Sunday, December 17, 2006

Shrimp in coconut milk and vegetables

I don't know anybody who doesn't like shrimps.. everybody loves shrimps.. especially the large ones.. they're great even if cooked by themselves.. you can taste the saltiness of the sea and the freshness of seawater.. guys do have this private joke about "shrimps" and they're referring to women.. particularly those who do have the body but doesn't have the face to go with it.. mean joke, i know.. but it's men were mentioning.. we just have to dismiss the fact that there are also "shrimps" at their side of the the fence, hehehe!!

i made these awfully easy dish of shrimp and coconut milk.. my kids loved it!! my eldest even said that i am the greatest cook she knows.. aaaw! that's so heart-warming! my husband who is actually a picky eater if not for my prodding to try new things loved it.. he doesn't eat any marine animal cooked with any liquid but this dish he loves..

i simply wash the shrimps and i snip of the hairs and the pointed shell on the head ( whatever it's called! it does give a mean prick so watch out!) i place them first in a colander so the excess water would drip off.. i then saute garlic, onions and some oil.. after which i place the coconut milk ( depends on how much you want!) and let it cook for a while.. i love it when they start to sort of coagulate and give off fat.. yummy!! that's what "guinataan" is all about.. it's supposed to render oil since all the flavors come from it.. add some salt and pepper and i love finger chilies with it.. after the coconut milk has cooked and rendered fat and the finger chilies had been softened a bit you can now place the shrimps and just watch til it changes color from pale to bright orange.. turn of the heat at once and just allow the flavors to marry..

when am in the mood i either put some halved bokchoy while the coconut milk is boiling so it wouldn't be all soggy after cooking the shrimps or sometimes when it's available i add sliced green papaya so it would be more healthy.. but the bokchoy is what the kids and the hubby wants so that usually is the veggie of choice.. these dish paired with some fish sauce and several pieces of the finger chilies with a tall glass of iced cold coke is more satisfying for me as compared to a cheeseburger meal at any fast food chain..haay.. i think i want these for lunch tomorrow.. hehehe.. well, that would really depend on the availability of FRESH and LIVE shrimps at the market tomorrow.. it's really different when you buy them still jumping out of the bag.. hehehe!!

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